Greetings! With the dawn of 2023, I wanted to give a public update on the progress of our wind turbine. A lot happened in 2022 and hopefully the best is yet to come.
The year 2022 saw the validation of our wind turbine's principles and the advancement through the R&D cycle. The final product will look a bit different than the green turbine publicly disclosed on the website (and other sites) but it will retain its same basic physical features. A lot has been learned in the year with many lessons, setbacks, and ultimately hard-won advances in the prototype.
In November 2022, we entered into negotiations with the Miller Advanced Research & Science (MARS) Center located just outside Hill Airforce Base in Layton, Utah. The MARS Center is a public/private partnership of Weber State University focusing on aeronautical engineering research. They provide advanced R&D for private companies as well as public entities such as the US Department of Energy and Department of Defense. The Center's lead aeronautical engineer, Dr. Ian Harvey, is leading the project to finish development of our prototype, produce 3rd party performance data, and a manufacturable parts list. Dr. Harvey and the MARS Center bring much needed professional engineering and manufacturing expertise to our turbine. We expect to finalize a contract in January 2023.
The year continued to demonstrate the need for a more complete distributed energy system across the globe. The need for locally generated, clean energy has exploded across the world but particularly in Europe as the Russian war in Ukraine continues to affect fossil fuel availability and prices for electricity and heat.
Halcium Energy continues to receive requests to be a part of some of these programs. In 2022, we were asked to be a part of proposals for public utility projects for governments in the US, Germany, Greece, and Cyprus. Some of these had to be turned down as we are not yet in production. However, the projects in the US and Cypress may coincide with our projected timeline and are still of interest to us.
Private interest has also continued to grow as our email list has swelled to nearly 40,000 individuals. Over 2,500 people have also signed up to install our wind turbine for their customers in markets across the world.
I want to thank everyone who has come along on this journey with us. Whether you've invested in Halcium, are a potential customer, or just a forward thinker who's spread the word about our turbine, everyone has contributed in some way to our mission to change energy for the better.